Day by DAE | Conversations on Mindfulness & Wellness
Welcome beautiful soul ~ to a portal of conversations and resources on mindfulness, meditation, yoga, reiki, spirituality, holistic wellness, and holistic healing. Find conscious presence and cultivate peace with your host, mentor, healer, fellow yogi, and meditation/mindfulness teacher, Dari Edwards, on the Day by DAE podcast. Join the community by following @thedaybydae on Instagram or checking out

Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Tune in to my favorite episode YET to hear all about how I found cacao as a drink, how it can make you feel, the benefits of drinking raw chocolate, and why it is known to ‘open your heart’. I also go in depth into what a cacao ritual looks like in terms of the colonized approach as well as the more traditional Mayan approach. I have been studying with and learning from the founders of Kokoleka Collective as well as elders from the Tzʼutujil and Kaqchikel Mayans tribes ****to deepen my cacao journey, and I am so excited to share it all with you!
Skip straight to 18:00 minutes to hear about the physical body benefits of cacao and skip over my personal journey with this plant medicine.
A great video to have a peak into a more traditional cacao ceremony:
Buy Cacao using code 'DARILOVE' for 15% off:
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Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
In this episode I share straight from my heart and life experiences to remind you that it is SO important to hold space for our emotions to be felt and to not suppress them. As a fellow empath and deep feeler, I truly believe it is so important to ground into our body, feel our emotions, and learn all that they have to teach us. Being able to feel our emotions deeply and listen to what they are telling us (without creating story around them) is a great superpower and can be tough to learn!
Recently my feelings have been teaching me to not take things personally and to realize that not everyone’s actions towards me are actually about me. I talk about taking accountability for our own “stuff” while also realizing other people’s triggers are often simply their own "stuff" as well. Tune in to hear exactly what I have to say about empath emotional regulation and my upcoming Earth Month classes this April 2023!!
Register for Grounding and Giving Back Classes:
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Buy Cacao using code 'DARILOVE' for 15% off:
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Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
In this episode I share 5 reasons why I don’t agree with the notion of living based on only what feels good or guiding decisions by those “F*** YES” feelings. I dive into ways to deal with discomfort, push past resistance, guiding decisions unselfishly, facing fears & anxieties, and taking action to benefit the greatest good of all! I also touch on the principles of Stoicism and quotes from Marcus Aurelius, who was a Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher.
If you loved any part of this episode please leave a review, share to your social media, and follow the Day by DAE podcast for more!
Article on Stoicism:
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Buy cacao using code 'DARILOVE' for 15% off:
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Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
In this episode I invite my beautiful friend and fellow yoga teacher, Rayne Lafleur onto the podcast to talk about her spiritual journey and how mindfulness, yoga, and meditation have impacted all aspects of her life - particularly her personal relationships and recovery from addiction. We deep dive into the benefits of walking the yogic path and how it can also bring a lot of shadows to the surface. This episode is not one you will want to miss!!
If you love this episode or this podcast make sure to leave a rating and review so it reaches more beautiful souls like you!
Trigger Warning: Drug addiction
Follow Rayne on Instagram:
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Join my Mindfulness event on Feb. 25th, 2023 here:
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Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Wanting to attend a silent meditation retreat or curious about what vipassana even is? This episode is for you!
In this episode I go in-depth into my recent experience where I spent a week at silent meditation retreat. I talk about my favorite parts, least favorite parts, what the schedule looked like, 3 reasons why you should go on one, and 3 reasons why it might not be the best idea for you!
If you loved this episode make sure to leave a rating and review so it reaches more beautiful souls like you.
Book meditation, yoga, or reiki sessions with me:
Join my Mindfulness event on Feb. 19th 2023 here:
Check out my website:

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
During the winter season, when there's gloomy weather and seasonal depression kicks in, it is SO important to make sure we stay in touch with our internal resources of joy, love, and ease to maintain our overall mental and physical wellbeing. Tune in to this episode for a 10 minute energetic transformation through the Internal Smile meditation written by me, Dari Edwards. This meditation was inspired by the way that smiling at others makes me feel expansive shifts of energy and Keith Wilson's Go to Glow meditation.
To dive deeper into meditation, work on freeing yourself from limiting beliefs, learning how to stay grounded, stay present, manifest your desires, heal your body, find energetic alignment through yoga, meditation, reiki, and other mindfulness practices… join me in a session 1:1 by booking through the link below to my calendly!!!
Join my Mindfulness event on Feb. 19th 2023 here:
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My website:

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Drop in for Part 2 of my story-time about my experience working at Nike HQ and living in Portland, how I knew I was out alignment, and why I ultimately made the decision to leave the company. This episode is for you if you want inspiration for making big moves in your life and to learn my top tips for making aligned career choices!
Skip the story and jump to 39:47 for my tips on making aligned choices!
To dive deeper into work on freeing yourself from limiting beliefs, learning how to stay grounded, stay present, manifest your desires, heal your body, find energetic alignment through yoga, meditation, reiki, and other mindfulness practices… join me in a session 1:1 by booking through the link below to my calendly!!!
Join my Mindfulness event on Jan. 21st 2023 here:
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Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Tune in for a story-time about how I manifested a Nike internship, got a full-time job at Nike Headquarters, and my top tips for both the logistical and energetic sides of manifestation.
Book a session with me to learn more about Mindful Manifestion or for work on removing limiting beliefs, learning how to stay grounded, stay present, manifest your desires, heal your body, learn meditation/yoga, find energetic alignment, and more… 1:1 session link below to my calendly to book!!!
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Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
In this episode I talk about my mindfulness take on how to solve self judgement and times in life when we are taking things too personally, including some life advice and a short drop-in meditation.
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Book a meditation/yoga/mindfulness coaching session with me here:
Donate or buy me a cup of cacao here:
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Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Drop in with me for a mindful episode on how to have a consistent strong meditation practice when you are navigating anxiety or anxious thought patterns. Learn some of the ways that I have been able to let go of anxiety through meditation as well as how I have guided my clients through these beneficial practices.
Interested in being guided through or learning more about meditation, mindfulness, yoga, or reiki sessions? Connect with me on Instagram @thedaybydae, check out sessions on my website at or email me at