Day by DAE | Conversations on Mindfulness & Wellness

Welcome beautiful soul ~ to a portal of conversations and resources on mindfulness, meditation, yoga, reiki, spirituality, holistic wellness, and holistic healing. Find conscious presence and cultivate peace with your host, mentor, healer, fellow yogi, and meditation/mindfulness teacher, Dari Edwards, on the Day by DAE podcast. Join the community by following @thedaybydae on Instagram or checking out

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Tuesday Jul 23, 2024

In this episode I give you beautiful souls a little life update on what has been going on in my world and provide a mini drop-in meditation to bring you into the present moment. I dive deep into what conscious consumption and psychoactive substances are, how to practice conscious consumption, and some reflection questions around the topic. I provide first-hand life advice, stories from my past, and present experiences at parties and raves, and so much more!! Listen to the full podcast to hear about my upcoming weekend forest retreat in Mt. Vernon, Washington, USA called RELEASE!
If you are in a season of life where you are looking to find a different perspective on what life has to offer and you desire to feel more grounded and at peace, check out my website for more information on my new 1:1 program AWAKEN:
Book meditative healing spaces, cacao ceremonies, or reiki sessions with me:
Buy your own Kokoleka cacao using my code 'DARILOVE' for 15% off:
Connect with me on Instagram:

Thursday Apr 25, 2024

In this episode I discuss a topic that has truly changed the way I view myself and the world around me - I dive into the stories we tell ourselves and how to reframe them to create a life that makes you feel much more joy in being alive. I talk about an analogy around how life is a storybook and we get to choose the subject we are reading, we can either be the main character that is tied up in the plot or we can be the intrigued reader of the novel. Stay tuned throughout the episode for helpful guidance, practices, a mini body scan meditation, and reflection questions to guide you on your journey of getting unstuck.
If you are in a season of life where you are looking to find a different perspective on what life has to offer and you desire to feel more grounded and at peace, check out my website for more information on my new 1:1 program AWAKEN:
Book meditative healing spaces, cacao ceremonies, or reiki sessions with me:
Buy your own Kokoleka cacao using my code 'DARILOVE' for 15% off:
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Wednesday Jan 24, 2024

Drop into this 10 minute meditation whenever you might be feeling stuck and you desire to feel more ease in your body, mind, heart, and soul - guided by me, Dari Edwards RYT200hr and Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher.
If you are in a season of life where you are looking to find a different perspective on what life has to offer, you desire to feel more grounded and at peace, check out my website for more information on how to work with me:
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Buy your own cacao using my code 'DARILOVE' for 15% off:
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Thursday Jan 11, 2024

Drop into this episode to learn more about the ways that I have found to most effectively move through life’s challenges, process BIG emotions, and learn how to hold space for ourselves when we need it the most. I share my favorite practices to let life move through you as you move through life, a brief meditation, prayers and affirmations for the heart, a reading from a book by Pema Chodron, and some commentary on how I apply mindfulness to things that come up in everyday life.
If you are in a season of life where you are looking to find a different perspective on what life has to offer, you desire to feel more grounded and at peace, check out my website for more information on how to work with me:
To go straight to heart-centered prayers and affirmations, drop in at timestamp 20:10.
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Tuesday Nov 14, 2023

Tune in to hear about my journey with prescription medication and Western medicine; I talk about mental health, holistic wellness, and all of the things you need and want to know about coming off of prescription medication and onto a more holistically balanced way of living. I am not against Western medicine, but I believe there is SO much more to our health and well-being than simply being prescribed pills for our symptoms.
Trigger warning: suicidal ideation, bleeding, periods, mental health, drug abuse
Please reach out to me for support and questions on Instagram:
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Wednesday Sep 13, 2023

In this episode I have my good friend and special guest, Rayne LaFleur back on the podcast for another beautiful interview where we dive into acceptance of the past versions of ourselves, learning from the yogic path, and how we have reached a space of abundance. We talk about dreams for the future and why it is important to not only dream big, but to ground ourselves in a foundation of gratitude. Rayne speaks on the victim mentality, the nature of suffering, and how to not allow fear or not feeling "good enough" rule our actions. This episode is one of my favorite so far and I can't wait to hear what you think!
If you loved this episode please leave a rating, review, or share this episode to your social media and tag me @daybydaemindfulness.
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Buy ethically sourced cacao using code 'DARILOVE' for 15% off:
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Monday Sep 11, 2023

In this episode I talk about how I have been experiencing some resistance in my life lately and how I have been able to meet it with compassion. I share thoughts and reflections on how we can learn to appreciate and accept all parts of our lives, even when we are facing challenges, through mindfulness practices and silent meditation retreats. This episode also covers tools to help you to cultivate more joy, peace, compassion, and equanimity in your life through meditation and mindfulness. Stay tuned to hear a poem that I wrote on my most recent silent meditation retreat and musings from my silent retreat journal which includes some wisdom teachings from my amazing teacher in Buddhism and Vipassana meditation.
If you loved this episode please leave a rating, review, or share this episode to your social media and tag me @ daybydaemindfulness.
Book a cacao ceremony with me:
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Schedule a private meditation, yoga, or reiki sessions with me:
Buy ethically sourced cacao using code 'DARILOVE' for 15% off:
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A little bit of information on Vipassana Meditation:

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023

This episode brings to light the yin and yang of being on the path of healing and spiritual awakening. As with everything in this human life there is lightness and darkness, and the last few weeks have been full of transformational energies to bring more of our desires into the light. This podcast episode was recorded and posted around the Lion's Gate portal 2023, so tune in with an intention in mind to bring positive change into your external reality by finding peace and healing from within. Tune in to this episode where I talk in-depth about a few of my favorite principles and tips for healing and facing inner-darkness face on.
Check out the song I mentioned in the podcast:
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Sunday Jul 02, 2023

In this episode I drop into a casual conversation with you about my recent life changes, how to stay grounded during a life shift or big move, and some spiritual reflections to sit with. This episode touches on topics such as non-judgement, impermanence, and ways to stay feeling grounded and safe in life. At the end of the episode I guide you through a short meditative healing session on impermanence and staying anchored to the breath.
Skip to 25:45 for the meditation.
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Thursday May 18, 2023

Tune in for a conversation on one of the best ways I have found to overcome a mental health setback, such as period of deep depressive thoughts or anxiety. I talk all about the thoughts and patterns I have healed from, how I used to struggle with depression and anxiety, as well as how I believe this life experience and our feelings are truly a gift. Listen to this episode to hear one of the most life-changing perspective shifts that might just help heal your relationship with yourself and your mental health now and in the future.
To get more access to resources on all things Day by DAE, check out my links to classes, cacao, and more here:
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